Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation

Join the Journey: Walk for Change with JLOF

This July and August 2024, Gertrude Opira, Chair of JLOF Sweden, and Professor Aihie Osarenkhoe, Advisor to JLOF, are embarking on a remarkable 700 km walk along the historic Camino de Santiago, specifically the Camino del Norte in Northern Spain. They are undertaking this personal challenge with a purpose: to raise awareness and funds for JLOF’s impactful programs in Northern Uganda. A region marked by conflict, marginalization, and socio-economic challenges. Today, it is characterized by recovery, development, and ongoing efforts to build a peaceful and prosperous region.


JLOF Programs are making a difference in Northern Uganda

Enhancing Education: Providing resources and opportunities for learning.

Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Empowering individuals to build their own futures.

Protecting the Environment: Promoting sustainable practices.

Preserving Culture: Celebrating and respecting diversity.

Promoting Health and Well-being: Encouraging healthy choices and lifestyles.

How You Can Support

Follow the Journey: 

Stay tuned for inspiration and updated with photos, stories, and insights from the trail.

Spread the Word: 

Share this cause with friends and family to amplify our impact.


Your contributions will directly support JLOF’s projects. 

Every donation, big or small, makes a difference.

JLOF Donate


Walk the Path of Compassion and Change

Together, we can walk the path of compassion and change. 

Every step taken by Gertrude and Aihie is a step towards independence, self-sufficiency, and respect for diversity for those in need. Let’s make this journey unforgettable, not just for them but for all those we aim to help.

Thank you for your support! 💙

#CaminoForJLOF #WalkForChange #SupportJLOF #IndependenceAndDiversity #700kmForACause #JeremiahLucasOpiraFoundation #Compassion #Change


Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation

Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation (JLOF) is dedicated to improving opportunities for marginalised vulnerable communities, access to quality education for all and promoting sustainable development.

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Insamlingsstiftelsen JLOF Sweden

Vi är en självständig, ideell, allmännyttig, icke vinstdrivande, humanitär organisation som är politiskt och religiöst obunden. Stiftelsens ändamål är att såsom insamlingsstiftelse, genom konkreta och hållbara projekt och program, driva internationellt utvecklings-och hjälparbete som förbättra möjligheterna för marginaliserade och utsatta i de samhällen där Stiftelsen verkar genom att bland annat främja: 

  • Utbildning 
  • Bevarande av kultur, kulturarv och historia  
  • Mänskliga rättigheter, jämställdhet och mångfald 
  • Fred och försoning 
  • Entreprenörskap 
  • Miljö och ekologi 
Avsikten är att inspirera och stärka rättigheter för att öka människors inflytande över sina egna liv. Stiftelsen arbetar i nära partnerskap och samarbete med lokala samhällen, myndigheter, organisationer och enskilda som vill stödja stiftelsens arbete.




Essay Contest

Asaro Joan Goretty: The Silent Crisis – Teenage Pregnancy in Our Communities



Essay Contest

Apollo Alice Merinda: From Childhood to Motherhood – Understanding Teenage Pregnancy in Uganda



Essay Contest

Omara Emmanuel Okot: Challenges and Solutions to Teenage Pregnancy


JLOF works to improve opportunities for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities.


Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda