Lakica Patience Okot: What COVID-19 is doing to my dream

What COVID-19 is doing to my dream

Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021

Author: Lakica Patience Okot
4th runner up, Category 1

COVID-19 is a dangerous respiratory disease. It is also an airborne disease. It started from Wuhan in China and now it’s worldwide. It can spread when one doesn’t wear face mask when in public, when one gets into contact with the mucus of an infected person and many others.

The spread of COVID-19 has affected my dreams in a way that it led to the closure of schools, and it delayed my dream of finishing my primary level of education and becoming a medical doctor before twenty-five years of age and schools were closed because if they were to operate, there would have been many cases of COVID-19 infections.

"It delayed my dream of finishing my primary level of education and becoming a medical doctor before twenty-five years of age."

It affected my dream of becoming a doctor in a way that it killed many doctors that made me afraid. And it also affected my dream of performing well at schools and it also led to the enforcement of lockdown that restricted movement. That made my dream of touring Mount Elgon fail and it also led to the closure of some business places. That lead o low revenue in our family.

It can be prevented and controlled by wearing face masks when in public, by washing hands regularly with clean water and soap, by maintaining social distance of at least two meters and many others.

But I thank the Ministry of Health for working hand in hand to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Uganda.

Since there was and still is COVID-19 we should follow the guidelines and measures the government has given to control and prevent COVID-19. And I thank the Ministry of Health for accepting the reopening of schools.

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Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda